Our interest in Labradors began with one dog, Flynn, Contrail Champers of Lowforge. Flynn was a wonderful dog, with whom we have both spent countless enjoyable hours. Flynn was 18 months old when we bought him.
Following on from Flynn, we decided to try our hand at training a pup ourselves, so went back up to Scotland for Ash, Pittendreich Highlight of Lowforge, she proved to be a very willing pupil, and Jane formed a strong bond with her.
Ash grew into an excellent working bitch, and became the foundation bitch for our line of Lowforge Labradors.
To meet The Lowforge Labradors click here
Our introduction to spaniels, and cockers in particular followed a very similar route to our interest in Labradors.
Our first cocker, Jamie, Contrail Cosmos, was bought as an older dog. Jamie was the most adorable cocker, and such a character, even by cocker standards.
We have now learnt, to our cost, that cockers are extremely addictive! You may also find the odd Springer or two lurking around the place.
To meet the Lowforge Spaniels click here
We currently have two springers in the kennel, Wilf and a recent addition, young Rocky, the son of Wilf.
To meet the Lowforge Springers click here
This section of the site features the young dogs, at various stages in their training.
From the puppies basic training to the introduction of the older dogs to shot and then on to a full days work.
To meet The Lowforge Youngsters click here
Here you can meet the rest of the team, the dogs that form the backbone of our working line ups.
As well some that are sadly no longer with us.
To meet The Lowforge Family click here